
Month: August 2019

Pay Per Click for Schools

Why Should Schools Use Paid Advertising?

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is the process of directing traffic to your school website through paid advertisements that appear on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS) where the advertiser only pays once a user has clicked on the advert. Paid Advertising has quickly become the marketing channel of choice for many businesses...

Google Ads Updates In July

Google rolled out 7 new updates in July and in this post we’ll explain what’s been happening and what it means for PPC marketers. Google Ads Editor v1.1 This update will create some efficiencies that we haven’t seen before. We’ll be able to find our images more quickly, keep existing...
google ads

Why Has My Instagram Engagement Dropped?

Have you noticed a big decline in the number of likes and engagements your Instagram posts are receiving? You are not the only one and many are searching for answers! Independent studies have shown a gradual decline in Instagram’s brand page engagement rates over the last six months. Some believe...
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Latest News
Why a Strong Backlink Profile Is Critical for SEO Success
In the competitive world of digital marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO) is essential for driving website visibility and traffic. A strong backlink profile plays a pivotal role in SEO success, as it signals to search engines that your website is credible, authoritative, and worthy of higher rankings. Below, we explore...
Understanding the Great Firewall of China and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
If you’re looking to reach audiences in China, you may have concerns about the Great Firewall of China (GFW) and how it affects website accessibility. Established by the Chinese government, the GFW restricts access to certain international websites and services, including Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. But what does this...
The Latest New Features of Instagram: What You Need to Know
Instagram, one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, has always been at the forefront of digital innovation. Over the years, it has introduced a slew of features to keep users engaged and offer businesses new ways to connect with audiences. Whether you’re a content creator, influencer, small business...