Virtual Open Day Experiences


Since COVID 19 locked us all down we have been creating school virtual open day experiences for our clients. As parents are unable to visit, you need an effective solution to showcase your premises and recreate an open day experience online. We have created many different solutions including:

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Another creative asset to have is a virtual tour. This allows your potential parents to take a look around your school at their own leisure, 24 hours a day. We can add this asset into your interactive map, as a standalone experience on your website or as part of your Head’s Welcome Video. We really do believe in repurposing good assets, you can see a few examples here.

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It is important you get the booking and registration of the event right, we can create both sign up pages and 1-2-1 staff bookings systems to give the flexibility your school requires when organising your virtual open day experience. We can also create booking pages to allow parents to book single physical tours to ensure the COVID 19 restrictions are adhered to. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.



Running these events is a daunting task, there are lots of moving parts so you need to make sure you’re organised and ready for any eventuality. We can provide consultancy and training on running the perfect virtual open day, highlighting to your team the common pitfalls to avoid. On the day we also offer technical support to ensure your virtual open day is a success. Please get in touch to discuss this in more detail.


This is a great asset to showcase your school during these unusual circumstances. The interactive maps that we create are fully content management to enable you to add / edit / move / delete hot spots and all the content as well as the map itself, ensuring they are future proof.

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3D Map Illustrations

If you’re looking for a way to show off your school grounds there is no better way than a 3D illustrated school map. These are cheaper to produce than the older illustrated versions and are also much easier to update in the future as you invest in new buildings.

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During this period of lockdown our film department have been extremely busy; we have been visiting schools and filming Heads, delivering their welcoming speeches and general school life. We use an auto-cue which really helps speed up the process and ensures the staff deliver the audio in one or two takes. If your school is closed we can use existing photography to show the general school life to make sure the video is full of rich content. Here are some examples.

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