Brogan Page


Project Manager extraordinaire, Brogan is in charge of making sure every web build goes smoothly and keeping jobs on track. As you might imagine, she loves highlighters and colour-coding things.

What do you bring to Innermedia?

Organisation, ridiculous comments, and decent cakes.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Innermedia?

The Innermedia gang are awesome to work with and such a laugh – Oh and cake day accompanied by a doublé tea.

What do you do when you’re not at work?

I spend lots of time making memories with my daughter, family, and friends. When I can, I get myself to the gym and take part in mud-runs and obstacle courses.

What’s your favourite Innermedia moment?

When Ralph said Spencer should belong to Hufflepuff – And the blingy-blingy bling-blong moment.

Who’s your favourite artist?

I listen to lots of different music, but my favourite genres are house and techno. Some of my favourite artists are Wade, PAWSA and wAFF – But nothing beats the main man Kerri Chandler.

What’s something we don’t know about you?

When I was 9 I wrote a song called “I Hate my Brother” – I’m also a qualified florist and balloon artist, and very passionate about seafood.

What did you do before coming to Innermedia?

I worked as a sales executive for a print solutions company.

What’s your favourite quote?

“Just keep looking at the sunshine you’re heading towards” – Laura Sambridge

How do you like to unwind?

Films and music, wine, chocolate, more wine… It’s a vicious circle. Unless I’m drawing something or colouring-in, then I’m in my magical chill zone.

If you were going to be turned into an animal, what would you be?

A wild horse – Neighhhh.

If you had to swap places with anybody at Innermedia for 24 hours, who would it be and why?

I’d like to swap with Charles on a day he takes part in one of his snazzy events because he’s a ledge.

What inspires you?

My incredibly clever and mischievous daughter, she’s the most inspirational creature in my world.

Any parting words?

Laters taters!

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